Month: January 2009

  • Madoff’s Fonzie Scheme Grows (Pt. 2)

    Suspected con artist and lowlife scumbag, Bernie Madoff, is feeling victimized, and he’s none too happy.

  • Madoff In Fonzie Scheme

    Bernie Madoff, the notorious Wall Street huckster under federal investigation for scamming $50 billion from investors, may have been delivered his karmic comeuppance.

  • Happy (Guess What?) Day

    the scientists at Ames Scullin O’Haire Holiday Research Laboratories have created one of the most difficult games ever placed on the worldwide interwebs. Go here for your shaming:

  • Love In The Twitter Age

    Throughout history, many love affairs have been chronicled through poetry, letters and song. In the future, we will have tracks of Twitters to detail the emotional wealth of modern day people, as told in fewer than 140 characters. What follows is the start of a love story for the ages, as told on Twitter.