Over 20,000 Eyes Served

    I’m happy to report that on March 23, 2009, The Lint Screen had its 10,000th hit, meaning Lint has been served to over 20,000 eyes, providing some of those eyes are not covered in eyepatches. My blog stats report I have minimal readership among pirates, but I do pretty well with shoulder-perching parrots.

    10,000 hits in just over eight months– not too shabby. With any luck, the next 10,000 will happen in eight days.

    To get the ball rolling, here’s a classic TV spot that certainly deserves a good gander and some swing time:

    I’m sure when this spot originally aired it didn’t have that ugly url plastered on it. It’s crass– like putting a Pepsi logo on the Mona Lisa’s face. But still, ain’t those chimps something!

    Thanks for catching Lint. Please share the Lint experience like bad germs.

5 responses to “Over 20,000 Eyes Served”

  1. The 100th Monkey theory in action.

    I’m smiling so much my face just cracked off. Thank you 100 times.

    Dear Dr Lint:
    I laugh uncontrollably at anthropomorphic monkeys making music and mayhem. Does that make me a….?

    Signed, Neeander Thal

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on your 21st thousandth eye! It was David Ogilvy from the grave masquerading as the Hathaway man…now for monkeys look into Ernie Kovacs, that phamous Philly philanderer who made video history with a local TV show…and an ape schtick

  3. Congratulations! I do have to admit, though, that I was startled by the headline. Is McDonalds adding eyeballs to their Big Macs, I wondered? That would explain the gristly texture of that burger I ate yesterday. Couldn’t they “see” that there would be a public outcry?

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