Conscience Dreaming In Public

Jared Lee Loughner, the man suspected for the tragic shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona was obviously a very disturbed individual.

People who knew him knew it, people who encountered him knew it. Even the people working the ammunition counter at the first Wal Mart where he tried to buy bullets knew it–– they wouldn’t sell him the ammo.

But the second Wal Mart he went to did.

It used to be the tragic figures responsible for heinous violent acts were described as loners who kept to themselves. But not in our modern world. Now everyone can leave digital trails of their madness for all to see.

There are many unstable people out there, and angry histrionics by media pundits and politicians only fan the flames in dangerous ways.

Let’s chill, people. Let’s be aware and wary.

Consider us armed and potentially dangerous.

5 responses to “Conscience Dreaming In Public”

  1. Many believe that elected officials have a different “currency” than their constituents, e.g., availability of health care, for one example. That he thinks voters in his district are illiterate may not be inaccurate. Finally, post-Patriot Act, he is certainly not alone in thinking that the government is listening. It is only at the end, where he mentions mind control that he seems to show signs of mental instability.
    It’s a complex point you raise, Patrick. I choose to be more “chill” than “wary,” though, to avoid the paranoia that may sink to madness.

  2. Agreed. It is a sticky point for the government is indeed listening and it’s easy to get paranoid.

    At the root of it all is the issue that a person who many considered ‘off’ and potentially dangerous (see all his videos on YouTube) was able to purchase, conceal and use firearms.

    Unfortunately I do believe we need to be wary because so many are armed and potentially dangerous.

  3. Good point, Patrick.
    You’ll probably live longer than I will. For many reasons. Too numerous to name here.
    I’d tell you, but who knows who’s reading this?
    I hear a clicking noise. Are we being tapped?

  4. Once it’s digitized, there’s no turning back. It’s all public and Big Brother can always find us…

    (I’m hiding in my trunk.)

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