Tag: Lint Screen exclusive

  • McChrystal Clear

    “I don’t really like coconut, and anyone who does should be shot.” “Afghanistan will never be a popular tourist attraction. There’s too many bullets in the air.” “Coke versus Pepsi? No contest– Coke! Obama probably likes Pepsi!” “Obama would never have the guts to fire me. He’s afraid of me– Biden, too.”

  • BP Calms Public Hysteria Over Oil Spill

    “When one considers that our planet is two-thirds water, and the oil spilled thus far is only a couple million gallons, well, obviously it is hardly even a speck of sand on the beach, if I might mix my metaphors.”

  • The Dirt On Larry King’s Failed 8th Marriage

    In a Lint Screen exclusive, we reveal the confrontation that took place in the King household on April 15th when Larry sat waiting at the kitchen table as Shawn entered the house from the garage.