“We’re quite pleased with the results our corporate ads have had,” said Tim Jourdinky, Minister of Corporate Propaganda. “After our little mishap, people associated BP with Satan, which isn’t ideal from an image perspective. Today, we’re associated with lesser strains of evil, like Stalin or Hitler. The messages are working. People are buying them!”
Mr. Jourdinky declined to comment on the actual efforts BP is doing in cleaning up the environmental mess, compensating a variety of local businesses for income lost because of the spill and fixing lapses in safety standards to ensure another “mishap” like the Deepwater Horizon never happens again.
“Reality is reality and there’s not much we can do about it,” the spin guru said, “but crafting messages that give hope and change perceptions– that’s the goal here. And we’re moving strongly toward the goal line!”
I’ll stop saying awful things about BP if they send me a high five or low six figure payment. (If you’re a Lint Screen reader, Christine O’Donnell, this limited time offer applies to you as well.)
Hmmm, seems like a very reasonable offer…
Christine’s avoiding everyone!
She knows everyone’s part of the liberal media elite!!!
I would think some enterprising ad execs would have gone to BP and said “$100 million? We could do a smashup job for $98 million! Let’s have lunch!”
Great point, Bill.
Wish I’d have thought of that… although I would not have ordered the gulf shrimp for lunch.