Confident Trump Trashes Potential Rivals

Disgraced twice-impeached ex-President Donald J. Trump is the only declared Republican Party candidate in the 2024 presidential race. Still, many other party leaders are testing the waters for a possible run. The Lint Screen sat with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago home to discuss his potential rivals. Between bites of bacon cheeseburgers, breaded French fries dipped in ranch dressing, and Diet Cokes, the … Read more

The Shocking Boebert-Greene Fight Transcript Is Leaked

Kevin McCarthy suffered public humiliation as he groveled and kissed asses galore to become Speaker of The House, but that was just a taste of the lunacy the new House of Representatives will deliver to the American public. On the first official day of the 118th Congress, two queens of crazy, Rep. Lauren Boebert and … Read more

Jordan: “Biden’s Scandal Worse Than Anything Trump Ever Did”

The GOP received a late Christmas gift with news of classified documents discovered in the properties of President Joe Biden. “This is the worst thing that has ever happened in American history,” a smug Rep. Jim Jordan tells The Lint Screen. Jordan, flexing his new power as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is licking his chops in gleeful anticipation … Read more

GOP Leaders To Offer Cotton Candy And Funnel Cakes

Now that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, after fifteen rounds of voting, has elected Rep. Kevin McCarthy as its “Speaker Bitch,” he prepares to make his first statement. McCarthy stands to the microphone and smiles. He says, “We’re ready to get down to business.” Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, pushes him aside and starts yelling.  “And … Read more

Looney GOP Reps Want Santos As Speaker of House

The clown car unloaded yesterday as Republican Representatives filled The People’s House to select their leader. Pitiful Rep. Kevin McCarthy tried three times to become Speaker of The House, but despite making countless concessions and bending over like Gumby at an orgy, the craven Trump-sycophant came up short. The gang of 19 Republicans–make that 20 loonies- … Read more

McCarthy Will Lower Consent Age and Clean Toilets For Votes

Poor, poor, Rep. Kevin McCarthy. The shameless Trump sycophant sold his soul long ago, but that wasn’t enough to make his Republican Congressional colleagues happy. McCarthy always wanted to be Speaker of The House when he grew up, and now the pitiful bastard is promising to do whatever it takes to secure the necessary 218-votes for him to become the … Read more