Tag: Bob Dylan

  • Exclusive Dylan Interview

    It’s been a good year for singer/songwriter/author Bob Dylan. He recently was selected to receive the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, and back in May, he found his lucky guitar pick he lost in 1965. 51-years later–– Hello, it was in the pocket of his Levi’s! 2016’s been a very good year indeed! We invited…

  • Another Dylan Notebook Found

    Now, another Dylan notebook has been found in Woodstock, New York, where the master lived following his motorcycle accident in the summer of 1966.

  • What A Life

    Look at the top selling non-fiction hardcover books: George W’s memoirs of why he did what he did, the autobiography of Mark Twain, Sarah Palin’s Palinographic view of the world, Glenn Beck’s ranting and a little something called Life by some guy named Keith Richards (and his pal, James Fox). I just finished Life, and…