Category: Rants and Raves

  • Monkey Crisis, Monkey Love

    Recently I came across this alarming image and frankly life has not been the same since. It seems to me that monkeys need to get along and be more accepting and open to tender loving, compassionate relationships. If they continue with their drinking, debauchery, sword fighting and gambling on violent conflicts, well, I don’t see much…

  • Sports Hurts

    They were the best seats I’d ever had at a baseball game. Eight rows back, between home plate and third base. Seats so close when the players scratched I felt it. Ahhh, that’s the spot. Seats so close one could almost feel the showers of spit. The kind of seats where you can park your…

  • On Vanishing Turds

    The following appeared in Creativity Atlanta’s e-newsletter premier edition. The request was for a ‘rant’ on the subject of my choice to the ad community at large. I turned the faucet on, and here we are. I am what ad-historians refer to as an ‘old fart.’ I can be carbon dated to the days when…