Zuckerberg’s Achilles’ Heel

He made us a playground but the bullies are taking over.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is soon expected to have one billion members. But I think I see the problem with the whole social network thing. It’s people.

The power of social networking is connecting with people. It’s a wonderful way to share your life with others and re-kindle relationships. The problem is that some people also believe the social network is a political tool to broadcast their points of view and beliefs.

Facebook is like a playground where we children play, but more and more I’m seeing political bullies on the playground. Or religious bullies. Or any kind of bully who wants to broadcast their belief system to everyone who is their “friend.”

This will ultimately wear people down. People won’t go to the playground as often. In the next couple months leading up to the election, Facebook will be an intolerable place to be. Expect gang warfare.

What hath Zuckerberg wrought? Can I get a “like” here, people?

10 responses to “Zuckerberg’s Achilles’ Heel”

  1. Wow.. Way more serious than I expected. I am expecting many posts from the assorted pundits and fools in general. Oh what a wonderful times we are living in.

  2. Once in awhile, it’s good throw a change-up. Thanks for reading and the comment, interesting times for sure.

  3. Choosing “friends” was easy before Facebook. You can find this in the Bible:

    Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

    but The Good Book doesn’t mention anything about Facebook.

  4. Good point, Bill.

    I wonder if I’m walking with fools with a few wise men like you sprinkled in for good measure.


  5. I’m a little confused by this wise men and fools business, which tells me I’m not one of the former. It also occurs to me that wise men can’t be fooled, so fools can only fool fools, but can wise men fool fools?

  6. He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Shun him.
    He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child. Teach him.
    He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep. Wake him.
    He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a leader. Follow him.

    Omar Khayam, 13th Century Philosopher

  7. This investment analyst continues to rate Facebook as “run!”
    Works for the playground simile as well.
    So synchronicious.

  8. You are so very wise, Ms. K.

    Anyone who plopped down investment money to “like” Facebook will not like the long term results.

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