Category: Reviews

  • Pity Morley Safer

    Imagine you’ve spent a distinguished career as a respected journalist, and you finally get a shot to appear in a feature film alongside Bob Schieffer and Chris Matthews and HARRISON FORD! You’d be thinking, I’m golden, I got me some cinematic gold dust to sprinkle on my career. Unfortunately, the movie is a miserable mess…

  • “Due Date” Way Overdue in The Laugh Department

    I can’t recall if it was Gene Siskel or Roger Ebert who came up with ‘beware three or more writers rule’, but he was very wise. The rules is simple: if a screenplay has three or more people listed in the credit, you’ve got an early warning sign it’s going to be a bad movie.…

  • Double Dipping & Loving It

    My movie barometer for a terrible movie is this: how much would someone have to pay me to see it again? There are films that I would not see again for $50. Not even if you threw in popcorn and Milk Duds. My barometer for a great movie is will I shell out money to…

  • Cool Escapes

    This summer, the temperatures have averaged two degrees cooler than hell, so everyone is looking for reasons to get out of the heat and into the cool. Here’s two flicks worth the money to get you into your nearby air conditioned cineplex: The Other Guys and Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Both of these movies…

  • Hot Tubbin’ Twilight

    This is part two in the tale of Bella (Kristin Stewart), a high school senior who is gaga for a 109-year old vampire, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson– he’s so dreamy, and he carries 109 very well!). Edward moves away so he won’t be tempted to suck Bella’s blood and make her one of the undead–…

  • Not Their Best, But Still…

    Recently I saw two films from masters: Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island and Joel and Ethan Coen’s A Serious Man. While I can’t gush over either film as being in the canon of their best work, both movies are essential viewing.