Category: Whatnot

  • Terrorism in Gwinnett

    Here in God’s Country, we like to say “If you can’t trust a water tower, who can you trust?” Well, tragedy is slowly striking Gwinnett County as a group of terrorists disassemble one of the greatest roadside attractions in our free land: the Twin Towers of Gwinnett Greatness. For over three decades, these I-85 icons…

  • The Importance of The Orderly Order

    There’s an alarming trend in America’s restaurants: the uber-waiters and waitresses who take orders without writing them down.

  • The Ferocious Winds of Change

    If you’re one of those people who washes his/her hands after going to the bathroom (and we all sincerely hope that you are), you may have noticed a revolution of modernity in public restrooms. It’s not electric eye-triggered soap dispensers and water facets– which are typically spotty in performance, or robotic toilet tissue dispensers “May…

  • World’s Most Valuable Baseball

    Mr. Ed, who in 1964 became the only horse to every steal home plate in a game the Tigers played against the Orioles. He almost trampled O’s catcher John Orsino to death. Orsino ironically had the nickname “horse” and laughed about the incident from his hospital bed. Well, some say it wasn’t laughter so much…

  • Road Trip Wonder

    There is a delicious dessert enjoyed while driving on I-85 through South Carolina: The Glorious Gaffney Peach. This magnificent structure stands as a testament to humanity’s ability to think boldly and imaginatively for the enrichment of all. A water tower as a piece of fruit? Yes, it can be done– no wonder we’re top of…

  • Twin Towers to Fall

    Driving is boring. Most billboards are ugly and suck. Mother Nature can get repetitive on a long drive. So roadside attractions like water towers with pithy thought-proving messages are greatly appreciated. Think about this philosophical question–– is Gwinnett great because Success lives here, or does Success live here because Gwinnett is great? Those are two…