Tag: The Lint Screen

  • Over 20,000 Eyes Served

    I’m happy to report that on March 23, 2009, The Lint Screen had its 10,000th hit, meaning Lint has been served to over 20,000 eyes, providing some of those eyes are not covered in eyepatches. My blog stats report I have minimal readership among pirates, but I do pretty well with shoulder-perching parrots.

  • The Nigerian Connection (Pt 5)

    The Lint Screen has just learned that Bernie Madoff received a confidential e-mail this afternoon from the attorney representing the deposed NIgerian Prince in possession of a magical Greek fishing cap that makes its owner “as cool as Arthur Fonzarelli”– the same cap Madoff paid $50 billion for over a month ago.

  • Madoff’s Fonzie Scheme Grows (Pt. 2)

    Suspected con artist and lowlife scumbag, Bernie Madoff, is feeling victimized, and he’s none too happy.