Category: Advertising/Marketing

  • A Sad Day in Lint Land

    Curvin died yesterday. Cancer took him down. Damn cancer. Angels of mercy with a hospice in upstate New York guided him from this world to the next. Today this world feels more empty for the loss of Curvin O’Rielly. I never met Curvin. Never even spoke to him. But I knew Curvin. I knew him…

  • Leave It To The Irish

    This spot from Ogilvy Dublin for Irish Society for the Preventition of Cruelty to Children Summer Campaign is one of the most disturbing and powerful public service spots I’ve ever seen. No arty metaphors, tone poems or symbolic messages. Just the problem, demonstrated. You’re not going to like it, but you will remember it. I…

  • Super, Or Not, Here’s The Super Bowl Spots

    It’s a game unlike any other. It pits formidable opponents against one another, each vying for the attention of over 200 million eyeballs. Each determined to occupy a sliver of consciousness and a splinter in the sequoia tree of pop culture. It’s the Super Bowl of advertising and here is the critique of Super Bowl…

  • Bogusky On The Couch

    CLICK HERE TO HEAR SWATCHES OF MY INTERVIEW WITH ALEX BOGUSKY Back in November of 2007, I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex Bogusky at the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta. I was El Presidente of the Atlanta Ad Club, and Alex was booked to talk with us. Rather than have a lecture, I wanted to…

  • 19 Tips For Successful Freelancing

    You want to freelance– you want to be your own boss. Good for you. I believe freelance is great for everyone, but not everyone is great for freelancing. Before starting an agency, I had two successful stints as a freelancer. Here’s what you need to know.

  • ‘Super’ Spots (1st Half)

    BoostMobile– A hateful spot playing off the old Chicago Bears shuffle. Mike Ditka, etc. Why and for what, God only knows. Let us never speak of this again. Please.