Category: Advertising/Marketing

  • ‘Super’ Spots (2nd Half)

    Michelob Ultra– Lance Armstrong and other super healthy people run and ride and push themselves to the limit then chill at the bar with this beer-like substance. Me no like. Me like fat people beer. Burp.

  • Enough Already

    Look, just because you can put a promotional message someplace doesn’t mean you should put a message there.

  • If I Could Sign

    My hands with be in a flurry to describe how manipulated I feel watching this spot. Can you say heavy handed?

  • The Most, The Best

    All hail the creators of “The Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign for Dos Equis beer. Let us now sing the praises of this brilliant campaign.

  • 20 Steps To Successful Job Hunting

    (As a public service, the following is the distillation of many job hunts and my surfing of wild economic times. Read and share with anyone you know hunting for a job. “The Lint Screen” is working hard to get this economy running full blast.) Your boss asks you if “you have a minute”, and the…

  • Ed McMahon’s Endorsement

    I have a soft spot in my heart for Ed because if not for him, I would not have achieved the success in my career I have. Hmm, sounds like story time…