Category: Rants and Raves

  • If It Would Please The Members Of The Academy…

    N6CVGCYED2JQ I think you went overboard in the your Oscar nomination love for The King’s Speech and True Grit. Yes, both films were well made, acted, and directed, but 22 nominations between them is a bit much. You should have slathered much more love on The Social Network, far and away the best film that…

  • What A Life

    Look at the top selling non-fiction hardcover books: George W’s memoirs of why he did what he did, the autobiography of Mark Twain, Sarah Palin’s Palinographic view of the world, Glenn Beck’s ranting and a little something called Life by some guy named Keith Richards (and his pal, James Fox). I just finished Life, and…

  • The First Concert, The Last Great Concert

    Not long ago, this year’s inductees into The Rock And Roll Hall of Fame were announced. Among them were three of my favorites: Alice Cooper, Donovan and Tom Waits. An eclectic trio for sure. My first exposure to a national recording act was seeing Alice Cooper in the fall of 1971 in Cleveland, Ohio (not…

  • Supreme Mud Slinging

    This election season is unbearably tragic. Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s boneheaded ‘Citizen United’ decision earlier this year, corporations, unions, rich fatcats and special interest groups can dump untold fortunes into political campaigns and causes. And, they can do so under the cloak of secrecy with fake organizational names like The Coalition For Freedom…

  • The Importance of The Orderly Order

    There’s an alarming trend in America’s restaurants: the uber-waiters and waitresses who take orders without writing them down.

  • The Ferocious Winds of Change

    If you’re one of those people who washes his/her hands after going to the bathroom (and we all sincerely hope that you are), you may have noticed a revolution of modernity in public restrooms. It’s not electric eye-triggered soap dispensers and water facets– which are typically spotty in performance, or robotic toilet tissue dispensers “May…