Happy (Guess What?) Day

    Every day is some sort of holiday. If it isn’t a real holiday, it’s a Hallmark-created holiday or some association-created obscure holiday.

This game wont do much for your self esteem
This game won't do much for your self esteem

To celebrate all the obscure holidays out there, the scientists at Ames Scullin O’Haire Holiday Research Laboratories have created one of the most challenging and difficult games ever placed on the worldwide interwebs. Simply go to the website listed below and prepare to get humiliated and shamed.

    If you get three answers in a row right, you’re pretty good. Six in a row is pretty incredible. Ten correct answers in a row is epic and you deserve rose petals tossed at your feet and angels flying in circles around your noggin.

    But more than likely, your performance will be crap and you’ll take up residency in Suckville. The game is tough. Are you tough enough to play? You’ve got 365 chances for dominance. Or not. We’re thinking not.

    Go here for your shaming:  http://www.whatstheholiday.com

   After your pain, challenge your friends to play. Bringing others down does have its therapeutic benefits. Good luck, this is your lucky day–– whatever day it is.

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