Still, we’re pretty much two peas in a pod. Daniel starred in My Left Foot, and I am soon to star in My Left Hip. You see, dear children, this Lint Screenin’ daddy-o is about to undergo ‘total hip replacement’ surgery on Monday, November 2.
Oh, I know what you’re thinking: he’s just doing that because joint replacement surgery is what all the cool baby boomers are having– it’s the “in” operation to have and he’s just got to have it!
As Carly Simon sang, “I haven’t got time for the pain”, so I will undergo pain to be done with it. My store-bought titanium right hip is pain-free, with the exception of the commotion it causes going through security at airports. But its triggering of alarms does afford me the unique and stimulating opportunity to share a little bonding time with friendly TSA personnel. F-U-N!
In the grand scheme of things, what I’m going through is nothing. This is fixable, and physical therapy and time make it better than before. No pity parties here. It’s just a minor repair and I think I still have some mileage left on me.
I ask you all to contemplate your lives, count your blessings, remember the suffering of those who have little hope, and give thanks for good health. I will leave you with a photo of the chart which will be a focal point of my room in the hospital. It forces one to think about the pain he/she is feeling. What is your number? It’s a good think to think about daily. What is your number?
And, for all you monkey humor fans,
Of course, there’s plenty more fun to be discovered and shared. Thanks for playing, mind those hips.
Guz, heard the operation went well, hope you deal with the pain with some good drugs and are up and running around soon.
Here’s to a speedy recovery. Any clues as to how we’ll know you’re not still “whacked-out on the goof”?
Well, this little surgi-stunt of yours will hopefully end all those dizzying days walking in circles, like a whirling literary Ahab, chugging cough syrup to dull that whale-of-an-agony. I just wanna know: what is advertising copywriting without pain and agony?
I mean, can it be done? You afraid all this “pain-free-ness” might affect the Scullinmeister Sturm und Drang, leading you straight into the Hallmark account once you’re giddily kicking up your heels again? Have you planted additional sources of Weltschmerz to grind on your future last nerves? (Try buying a commercial building in the city of Atlanta, it’ll do wonders…)
Hurry back and don’t let those inflamed synapses get too much peace and rest. Advertising = pain and suffering and we need real sufferers at the helm.
A-u-t-h-e-n-t-i-c-i-t-y is back.
[Recover quick, take your vitamins and take care, Patrick.)
Your guess is as good as mine…