Gut Shots (Pt. 8)

I've got to give myself shots to the belly.
I've got to give myself shots to the belly.
The road to recovery is littered with many things, spent hypodermics for example.

To combat the danger of blot clots, I have to give myself a small shot of blood thinner in my belly fat (good thing I’ve been stockpiling the stuff). The magic elixir enters the blood stream and orders all blood cells to “Keep it movin’, folks, nothing to see here. Get on back to work! Don’t be clustering all together. Break it up, break it up!”

In the hospital, the shots are administered every 12 hours. Once sprung from here, I will have daily shots. It will go on like this for 28 days following surgery.

They tell me I’m getting better. My hemoglobin count is up, the doctor says I may get out on Friday. My surgery was Monday, my freedom may be Friday.

I’m ready. I’ve heard there is air out there. Free air, and free air is the best air to breathe.

4 thoughts on “Gut Shots (Pt. 8)”

  1. Patrick,

    Glad to hear your recovery is moving along. You should think about scheduling some light physical activity, how about this:

    Chubby Checker Twist Marathon in Cordele GA
    Thanksgiving Hula Hoop Contest (at the Pumpkin Parade), Dalton GA

    And here’s a couple of DVDs you can borrow:

    “Dancing with the Stars” warmup DVD featuring Tom Delay
    TimeLife Instructional DVD “Dance Like Elvis”


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