Both of these movies are extremes, meaning you’ll love them or hate them. This is as art should be.
If you like your comedy silly, sophomoric and played straighter than an arrow lying on the Nebraska plains, The Other Guys fits the bill.
In one tidy package you have the quintessential spoof of the buddy cop film genre. The opening car chase alone is worth the price of admission with Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne (don’t call me ‘The Rock’) Johnson in hot pursuit. But this is just the appetizer.
Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg play partners, the twist is Wahlberg detests Ferrell. Their captain is Michael Keaton (remember when he used to be bigger than Tom Hanks?). Keaton is terrific. I’d forgotten how great his comic sensibilities are and it’s nice to see him back trotting his comedic chops.
Ferrell is pretty subdued for Ferrell– his character is an accountant. The real gem is Wahlberg who plays it so straight one wonders if his face was epoxied to keep from busting a gut.
I’m not saying anything else except if you’re looking for a nice diversion from your Mensa meetings, this is it.
This film directed by Edgar Wright (Shaun of The Dead and Hot Fuzz) is completely fresh. I’m not familiar with the graphic novel comic books the film is based on, and I generally don’t care for geek fare, but this movie entertained me throughout. The graphics, the writing, the music, the risks it takes are all bold. I imagine the sensibilities will be too much for some people and that they’ll leave after the first 20 minutes. Bye bye.
But if you’re intrigued, if you’re looking for something out of the norm, this is the cheese.
Yes, Micael Cera plays the typical Michael Cera role, but he makes sense for this character. He’s a slacker bassist in a band and has been searching for love and coming up snake eyes for a long time. He confused, complex, sincere and insincere– just like a real live human being.
The movie’s got action, adventure, a great soundtrack, laughs, terrific effects, Canadian cityscapes and angst galore.
If this bombs at the box office, I suspect it will kill on DVD. See it while you can on the big screen. It’s well worth coming out of the heat to see.
See both films. They’re a couple of the better movies so far this year.
With Will Ferrell films, I usually wait for the DVD release. But maybe I’ll go see “The Other Guys.”
If you haven’t seen “Stranger Than Fiction” (2006), I recommend that you rent it immediately. In the film, Will Ferrell plays an IRS auditor who, rather oddly, begins hearing a narration of his life story as he goes here and there. Others cast members include Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Queen Latifah.
Marc Forster, an inventive young man, directed the film. The script, by Zach Helm, is pure fantasy with gigantic dollops of wry humor and romance.
If you like Will Ferrell, you’ll like “The Other Guys”– it’s a fun spoof with plenty of inspired moments (you’ll particularly like Will singing along to some Irish tunes in the bar).
I saw “Stranger Than Fiction” on DVD and liked it a lot. It wasn’t in theatres very long as I recall. The story was fresh and quirky, which usually means box office disaster.
Sorry, haven’t seen these yet. I read on the Internet that the cinema was created by the Illuminati to control the illiterate masses, so I rarely go. Their agents are lurking!
If you read it on the internet, Bill, it must be true. I’ve often wondered why movie theaters are so dark, maybe this sinister plot explains it all.