This spot from Ogilvy Dublin for Irish Society for the Preventition of Cruelty to Children Summer Campaign is one of the most disturbing and powerful public service spots I’ve ever seen.
No arty metaphors, tone poems or symbolic messages. Just the problem, demonstrated.
You’re not going to like it, but you will remember it. I hope to hell it works.
You said it all. Let’s hope it does at least a little bit of good.
They say we’re desensitized to violence. This spot is proof that maybe we’re not.
With five brothers, between whom I’ve broken up fights with fists flying and chests heaving with anger, I thought nothing could shock me.
I was wrong.
I also had a hard time watching that. I know this happens everywhere for real. I know it won’t help me much, but I hope at least this spot was faked just for the sake of the PSA.
It’s an incredible powerful spot, and sadly would probably never make the American airwaves.
I believe this spot will be quite effective, it should get wider distribution.
I’m sure the child was not harmed. There are laws against such things. But what a brilliantly written, directed and acted commercial.
Thanks, Maggie, for collecting Lint and please continue doing so– it comes in handy for making sweaters and such.