In the world’s greatest city, there is a bar worthy of hell.
A place that purports to be an Irish bar, but is instead an affront to anyone who has ever graced a barstool with their thirsty arse.
The joint is called Lilly O’Briens Irish Bar, on Murray Street just off West Broadway in the hip TrBeCa area of Manhattan. What follows are a list of its sins.
1. It is light and bright. I’m talking bright like if Stevie Wonder walked into the joint he’d say, “Dim it down, would you?!”
2. The place is littered with hi-def TVs playing sports, and many of the feeds are standard def. Look, Irish bars aren’t sports bars. End of discussion.
3. The Smithwicks was flat, and get a load of this, the place had Coors Light on draft! Lord help us all…
4. There was a pair of Muhammad Ali’s boxing trunks mounted in a glass case and hanging on the wall. What this was doing in an Irish Bar was a mystery.
5. Loud contemporary alt rock music was blaring on the sound system. Gotye is hardly the soundtrack for an Irish bar.
Bottom line, this place may be an O.K. sports bar, but it’s a hell of a lousy Irish Bar and should be sued for false advertising.
‘Twas enough to drive a man to drink– elsewhere.
Run away!
I did, right after I drank my flat Smithwick’s.
‘Twas a damn poor excuse for an Irish bar…