With the 2012 elections finally over, the United States of America rebuilds its psyche.
After being pummeled by billions of dollars spent in negative advertising, and endless hours of pundits punditizing endlessly, and millions of promises for happier days ahead if (INSERT CANDIDATE NAME HERE) is elected, a wounded nation now gathers its wits and hopes against all odds that politicians elected will actually do something working together instead of grandstanding.
Yes, democracy hurts, the process can be ugly, but perhaps now our divided nation will go forward for the greater good. Wouldn’t that be something?
Cheers, America.
It will actually be a relief to see some plain old commercials on the tube in place of all those political ads. How’s that?
I agree, Bill.
Regular commercials will be a breath of fresh air, and we could use some fresh air after that election cycle.
Actually, after watching the evening news tonight, complete with all of the horrid commercials on disease healing medications, I would welcome the political commercials back. At least they were entertaining.
It’s always fun to see the cheery images shown as the announcer details the horrendous side effects of the meds.
Maybe you’re right, Lud– bring back the scary political ads. They tell you the side effects right up front.