The Mystery of The Missing Shutterbugs

The whereabouts of only two men pictured are known.

Foreign relations experts around the world heralded President Trump’s visit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the demilitarized zone (DMZ) on June 30. Many consider it the most significant diplomacy meeting in history.

“It was incredible,” said a man claiming to know all sorts of things about diplomatic history and other important things. “I mean, really, it was something else. Trump is the first American president to step on North Korean soil. That’s a total game changer! The world may never be the same.”

But a curious thing happened after the historic pow-wow –– all the North Korean photographers and videographers who captured the event mysteriously vanished.

An official on the U.S. travel team said, “There were swarms of cameramen snapping pictures like they were witnessing Beyonce eating raw sewage. But soon after, our intelligence reported they all disappeared. Along with their photography gear.”

The Lint Screen dispatched a crack investigative journalism team to North Korea to look into the mysterious matter. Here is what they found.

When the pictures and video of the epic meeting were reviewed, both President Trump and Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un appeared to be obese. N. Korean officials were outraged because both leaders are in perfect physical condition.

Obviously, the evil photographers had doctored the images. They must have used advanced photographic retouching techniques to alter the film in an effort to discredit the great men.

The pictures were fake!

Soon after, the photographers and videographers “disappeared.”

The mystery of their whereabouts is unknown. Some suspect, the shutterbugs may be attending photography school. Or, perhaps they went on vacation.

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