I’ve seen the headlines in the newspapers and heard the pretty anchor people on that magic TV box yammering about the Ruskies invading Georgia. Yow-zee ka-powzee wowzee!
Apparently the commies are running amuck on Georgia red clay trying to slather their political nuttiness on the locals–– keep your lousy bread lines to yourself, comrade, we like our Wonder Bread that builds free nations 12 ways!
For the record, people, I’ve yet to see any of the pinko buggers here in Atlanta–– and I’ve kept a keen out for them (they’re easy to spot marching in formation).
If they are here, they’re hiding pretty well. I suggest all Georgians practice caution and keep the doors locked, the powder dry, the freedom running hot and cold!
Don’t worry about these guys, Pat. They’re just tired of “lousy bread” and are looking for some Georgia crackers!