Kids Out of Their Cuckoo Nut Brains!


Quick getting whacked-out on the goof and LISTEN!
Quick getting whacked-out on the goof and LISTEN!

Youngsters these days show no respect for their elders. In my day we knew that those older than us had a little something called ‘wisdom’ and that was the cheese worth hearing, so we’d happily sit at the feet of knowledge, sniff its dirty socks and soak it in. But seems kids these days are too busy smoking their reefer cigarettes and snorting their crack heroin needles up their sniffers and listening to their loud alternative emo rock music to care two figs about the things they could learn from keeping their dadblum ears and minds open. That’s the problem with kids these days— they’re not minding their p’s and q’s from those they could learn a thing or two about a thing or two. Maybe THAT’S why these kids these days can’t read or write diddley-squat and can’t find their own g-d country on a map with two hands and a compass! It’s enough to make Marco Polo blow smoke out his ears!!! In my day we could draw the map with our eyes closed and our hands tied behind our backs after being spun around like a top. Maybe kids should put down their maryjane sticks and turn down the loud alt rock music and give a listen to folks like me who’ve lived and learned and want to do the good Christian thing and share our wealth of knowledge with the g-d ingates who pay us no never no mind any-who. Now that I got that off the old lungcage, where’d I put those spats of mine, dadblammit? I want to step out tonight, consarn it all.


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