Easter is Frankie’s fifth favorite holiday, after Christmas, his birthday, Halloween and Thanksgiving, so he was looking forward to spending some quality time with Mr. Cottontail. Instead he was subjected to an angry political rant from a bunny who is also a part time Tea Party zealot.
Spectators reported the following exchange took place between Frankie and the Easter Bunny:
BOY: Hello, Easter Bunny!
E. B.: Hello, little boy– what’s your name?
BOY: Frankie. Frankie Urbeenor.
E. B.: Well, Frankie, I suppose you’re happy that Obama and his government thugs have taken over the entire freakin’ health care system.
BOY: Huh?
E. B.: Sure, what do you care, you’re a little kid and you don’t have to pay taxes so just let me work my freakin’ butt off and support little freeloaders like you so you can get sick and have pre-existing conditions, then use death panels to kill my grandma in Beaumont.
BOY: Ummm, I don’t know what you’re…
E.B.: Everyone wants a hand-out, don’t they? You’re all a bunch of socialists. The free market is too tough on you so you want big brother government to spoon feed you entitlement programs, don’t you?
BOY: I’m scared.
E.B.: Of course you are, kid. We should all be scared. The country’s being run by the antichrist, who wasn’t even born in this country, and he wants the government to butt into every aspect of our lives, then try to take away my 85 firearms and arsenal of explosives I have for protection.
BOY: I just want a chocolate bunny for Easter…
E.B.: Sure you do. Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, marshmallow chicks, silver dollars and PlayStations, too– you want everything! And you want it all for free, don’t you? And why not, it’s no skin off your nose– just ask, ask, ask and expect others to deliver it with a pretty bow to your door. Well, listen up, kid-o, there ain’t no Santie Claus and you can’t have Christmas every Easter. You want a chocolate bunny, you work for it. There’s no freebies in life, buddy boy!
BOY: I want to go home, mister, please…
Fifty-six minutes later, paramedics used the jaws of life to remove the boy from the angry Kung-Fu grip grasp of the Easter Bunny, who was tagged with tranquilizers and taken away in soft handcuffs, designed not to chafe his fur.
Easter may soon drop from the #5 position of Frankie’s favorite holidays.
You’d think that Glen Beck would be earning enough money from his radio show. But no! He is now donning bunny constumes and terrifying young children.
But no matter where he works, Glen is an entertainer!
The problem with the Glen Becks of this country is that they actually believe the lies they spew out every day. This government has lasted 200 year because of the carefully placed checks and balances between the two houses and the office of the POTUS. But the greatest means to motavate the mob is through FEAR, a tool explored to it’s fullest by the NAZI party, but also domestic terror groups, like our home grown KKK; they all need a ficticious enemy, the Jew, the Blacks, Hispanic’s ect…. It is the only way free thinking people foresake reason and blindly follow fools. We all chose to be a part of this union to foresake Europe and the old world for freedoom and the new world, different but equal as Americans. Now instead of your neighbors helping you rebuild your barn when it burns down, people like Beck are calling you a dead beat for asking for help which is fine untill it is their barn that burns down, then it is a National plot by the Government to end freedom. Either way Glen Beck is a throwback of the sickness of “me-isum ” don’t help your fellow man, only yourself. Well the real America was built by all of us coming together as one people lifting each other up in times of need and not turning our backs on one another. Whether through health care reform or using our collective tax dollars to improve our schools, we as a whole benifits when we all do well and reduce the have nots in our country and help them acheive a better life .
Fear is an amazing motivator. Let’s burn down G.B.’s barn…