Thank you, Disney.
However, Disney has decided to trademark some other phrases including the following:
“My penguin is jittery”
“Pass the salt, please”
“Is this your umbrella?”
“That’s why they call it ‘marauding'”
“I think I have food poisoning”
“Hey, how about wiping off the seat of the stationary bike before you leave, jerkwad?”
“Wad the tracing paper, dance a wee bit of a jig–– we’re going to Santa Fe!”
Legal experts are unsure if Disney will be able to clear muster of trademarking all these phrases and words, but know they your ability to freely use them may be limited.
By the way, is this your umbrella?
I’ve trademarked a few phrases:
“Is this seat taken?”
“Lordy, Lordy.”
“Hot damn!”
“You gonna eat that?”
“Rush Limbaugh is an idiot.”
“Glenn Beck is a… well, he’s a doofus.”
“Don’t get me started!”
“Funny you should ask.”
“That’s a good question.”
“Yo momma.”
“Don’t believe me? Look it up!”
“Get your finger outta your nose!”
“Just kidding.”
“I did what???”
“Trust me… I didn’t know she was your wife!”
Any and all of the above are available for use for a small fee. Contact me or my attorney for rates and rights.
Hi Curvin. My Aunt Liz (Sister Catherine Marie, OD) said the Dominicans trademarked “Lordy, Lordy,” and penalties for misuse are significant, both here and in the afterlife. Sorry.
Curvin, I think I might owe you a small fortune. I’ve been using many of your TM-ed phrases and words for quite some time. I will throw myself on the mercy of your attorneys.
I’m screwed.
Kitty, I will once again ask Sister Catherine Marie and the good women of her order for eternal forgiveness and perhaps a 20-25% discount on the use of “Lordy, Lordy”– I’ll have to negotiate as best I can for the penalties in the afterlife.
This trademarking thing is getting a little out of hand. Hey, wait, I’m going to trademark this phrase: “This trademarking thing is getting a little out of hand.”
I feel so much better.
You can tell your Aunt Liz that my attorneys, all of them trained at Fordham Law, a Jesuit school, are eager to meet the Dominicans in any court over the use of “Lordy, Lordy.”
On the advice of my attorneys, I’ve also trademarked the following:
“When Jesus returns, what will He catch you doing?”
“Praise Jesus.”
“Amen, Brother.”
Curvin, while your attorneys may be good Jesuits, not even they could win the battle for legal rights to “Amen.”
As you will clearly see in the text of my original Lint entry (above), I have clearly laid claim to “Amen.” Please do not make me call upon my team of attorneys, some of the finest in the land, who have their faces plastered on billboards across our land.
As any legal expert will attest, the best lawyers are ‘billboard attorneys!’
Curvin, while your attorneys may be good Jesuits, not even they could win the battle for legal rights to “Amen.”
As you will clearly see in the text of my original Lint entry (above), I have laid claim to “Amen.” Please do not make me call upon my team of attorneys, some of the finest in the land, who have their faces plastered on billboards across our land.
As any legal expert will attest, the best lawyers are ‘billboard attorneys!’
After checking with the trademarking authorities, my attorneys have told me that your registration of “Amen” precedes mine. So good luck with the word. May you make a fortune with it.
My attorneys have trademarked the following:
“To hell with it.”
“Son of a bitch.”
“Screw you.”
Smart move, Curvin. I suspect you will become a very wealthy man.
Son of a…
Oops, caught myself before it was too late.
Curvin, your Jesuit trained Fordham Law attorneys may want to reconsider. After her recent ten year stint as a chaplain in women’s prisons, Sr. Catherine Marie is hard to threaten. “Bring it, boys,” the Dominican nunnies respond, slapping their rulers into the palms of her hands. I thought I saw little evil smiles, but it may have been a flashback.
A nun with prison street creds. Think I know where I’m placing my money for the bet on who’ll win…
Talked with my boys, Kitty. They said, “Game on, gals.”
I suggest both sides say their prayers, just to be safe.