“The old dude was a regular,” said the young cappuccino slinger. “Like clockwork, every morning at 8:20, he and his old lady would come strong with the same order: vente triple-shot skinny latte, no foam, and a grande caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream. That old gangsta surely liked him some whipped cream, he did.”
Ergskins, a six year veteran in the caffeine wars, said he was suspicious about Bulger from the beginning. “The guy didn’t talk much, but when he did, he said mobby things like, ‘Do it, punk, or I’ll kill ya, ya dirty rat!’ Or, ‘Why, I oughta give you some concrete shoes and a nice swim in the ocean.’ Or, ‘Wise guy, huh? Howzabout I give you some extra lead in your diet?!’ I mean, it was kind of creepy how aggressive the old coot could get.”
The 27-year old barista shakes his head slowly in disbelief. “I should have known something was up, but Bulger always tipped a crisp $100 bill into the jar. I just figured he appreciated my art. It’s weird.”
Ask your barista if Jack Nicholson met with Whitey maybe five or six years ago. Nicholson’s character (Costello) in Scorsese’s film, The Departed, looked too real to fly in out of nowhere. Great film, by the way. Lots of twists and turns. Wonderful cast.
Agreed, “The Departed” is a great one.
I asked the barista but he won’t say anything without at least an assist from a benjamin.
Am working the Promenade with my dance routine trying to raise the funds. May take some time…