Those who smelled the exhale said that the world had obviously been drinking and eating garlic.
Russ Verblockin, a spokesman for single celled organism said that it had decided not to run for the presidency because it wished to spend more time with its petri dish family.
“While single celled organism believes it could have brought about the change America so desperately needs,” Verblockin said in a prepared statement, “it also feels that it has an obligation to its loved ones and did not wish to bring them under the media’s microscopic scrutiny. I hope everyone respects single celled organism’s privacy.”
The spokesman then broke down in tears and was ushered away.
Look, I’m just barely recovering from that Armenian chick with the big booty leaving her genetic mutant husband. Don’t pile this on me too, man.
I feel your pain. We all feel your pain. Pain sucks.
Probably an organism who’d had too many illicit orgasms. And did it have a proper birth certificate? No doubt it didn’t.
Hmmm, you raise some good points. Could be this organism had reason not to want to be held under the public eye. Thanks, Curvin.
Rumor has it an amoeba with ambitions is also considering entering the race. Whoops, my bad. It just died.
Are parasitic cells eligible to run for office if they can prove lifelong residency in an American host body? Just curious.
I don’t see why not. We’ve had parasites in the oval office before…
There are 300 million Americans. Each of them has three trillion parasites. Imagine the debates.
You’re right. Alert Fox, MCNBC, all the networks– the ad revenue milking cow is backing into the barn!
Let the media circus do it deed!