Greece Settles Its Huge Debt With A Giant Horse

Greece makes good on debt with generous gift.
Greece makes good on debt with generous gift.

The EuroZone is rejoicing now that Greece has finally settled its massive debt with the gift of a gigantic horse.

“We’re not looking this gift in the mouth,” said Hans Schneblown, the German Finance Minister who heads the Euro-Monetary-Health Fund. “We’re just delighted to get any payment at all from Greece. We had taken to calling them ‘the deadbeat nation’ behind their backs. Cruel, I know, but I mean, c’mon already!”

As for the Greeks, an official representative said, “This horse should shut those European cry-holes. They are such babies, maybe they’ll quit sobbing when their throats are cut in the middle of the night. Oops, said too much,” the spokesman said as he hid beneath the podium.

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