Warren G. Harding Was Ashley Madison Member

When he wasn't swinging, Harding pitched.
When he wasn’t swinging, Harding pitched.

Following the recent news that Warren G. Harding, the 29th President of the United States fathered a love child in 1919 with Nan Britton, The Lint Screen has learned he was also one of the earliest members of the Ashley Madison extramarital affairs website.

The Ashley Madison website was recently hacked and a list of its 32 million members has been leaked. Surprisingly, 99.987% of the members are male. Harding’s name is listed as Member #2, Cornelius K. Thornstickle, a lead pencil magnate, was Member #1.

“It’s a startling revelation about Harding,” said Professor Hargrain Willis, Jr. of The Exorbitant Tuition & Worthless Degree Factory University in Hudson, Ohio. “He was obviously a man with a voracious sexual appetite, and he also liked to pack the groceries down his gullet. Harding was truly our most dashing president, and a contender to the claim of ‘father of our country.'”

Warren G. Harding could not be reached for comment due to a previous death.

2 thoughts on “Warren G. Harding Was Ashley Madison Member”

  1. True, but what you did not know was that his wife Florence was one of the .013% of the women members–they were a swinging couple.

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