Steve Harvey–– Worst Santa Ever!

Harvey blunders through and breaks little hearts.
Harvey blunders through and breaks little hearts.

After his embarrassing debacle of announcing the wrong winner at The Miss Universe Pageant on Sunday, Steve Harvey needed some P.R. redemption. So, his handlers gave him a lay up by arranging for the shamed celeb to play Santa at the St. Pious Orphanage in Brooklyn, and Harvey blew that cushy gig!

“He was giving out presents to all the kids, and they were so happy,” Fr. Thomas Allenred, the managing director told The Lint Screen. “Then, Harvey suddenly grabbed all the gifts back and re-distributed them. The children were crestfallen, they were very upset and started crying. Harvey got agitated and shouted, ‘Not again!’ and ripped off his beard and stormed out in a huff. We’ve brought in professional grief counsellors to help our children with this tragic situation.”

Steve Harvey has not been seen since, but St. Pious Orphanage has booked him again next year to be Santa.

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