Getting Hipper (Pt. 19)
While I thought I had pulled the plug on my total hip replacement series, some people have asked for an update. They are either curious, or taking some sick pleasure in my pain. Either way, I’m happy to oblige.
The Lint Screen, Satire/Humor/Etc.
"Where fake news gets real."
While I thought I had pulled the plug on my total hip replacement series, some people have asked for an update. They are either curious, or taking some sick pleasure in my pain. Either way, I’m happy to oblige.
Here’s digital wishes for a merry happy to you and yours from us and ours.
My hands with be in a flurry to describe how manipulated I feel watching this spot. Can you say heavy handed?
Not long ago I wrote on this very site about the dangers of smoking monkeys and chimps and how I was collecting funds to buy them nicotine patches and gum.
Our first child, Matt Scullin was born December 10, 1989. A week later, on December 17, the most important show on TV was born– The Simpsons.
Dear Tig:
Heard you’re in a bit of a stew with the ol’ ball ‘n chain…