Category: Humor

  • Tuberville: “I’ll stop when the U.S. Military surrenders!”

    Tuberville: “I’ll stop when the U.S. Military surrenders!”

    GOP Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, who lives in Florida, is determined to make the U.S. Military bow to his wishes. “Ain’t nothing or no one going to stop me,” Tuberville tells The Lint Screen. “I want a total surrender to my will, or I’ll continue to hold the American Military forces and their families, hostage.…

  • Rudy Shocked To Hear Trashing People Is Against The Law

    Rudy Shocked To Hear Trashing People Is Against The Law

    Pitiful Rudy Giuliani was once a hero, but now the pathetic schlub is known as a con man’s patsy. On Wednesday, a federal judge ruled that Giuliani is liable for defaming Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss, by accusing them of fraud during the Georgia vote counting at State Farm…

  • Handlers Upgrade DeSantis’ Software “To Act More Human”

    Handlers Upgrade DeSantis’ Software “To Act More Human”

    Florida dictator and presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis (pronounced “DeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSantis“) has been a major disappointment on the campaign trail. “Ron’s had a few hiccups,” says his campaign manager, Eddie “The Worm” Snoggims. “Many people have noticed that he sometimes can appear a little robotic and awkward around people. We have addressed that issue.” Snoggims explains that…

  • Thomas Hits Road Seeking More Swanky Gifts & Favors

    Thomas Hits Road Seeking More Swanky Gifts & Favors

    Clarence Thomas grew up poor in Savannah, Georgia. He vowed, “As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again,” and hit the jackpot when he passed Senate approval to become an Associate Justice after only one-year judiciary experience. It’s been prime rib, lobster tails, and Chateau Latour Premier Grand Cru ever since. “I had…

  • Trump Asks His Cult to Support “My All-Star Legal Defense Team”

    Trump Asks His Cult to Support “My All-Star Legal Defense Team”

    Poor Donald J. Trump. The man never got a break. At least that’s what he tells The Lint Screen. “I was born into poverty,” he recalls. “Living on the mean streets of Hell’s Kitchen. I had nothing. I ate rats. Such awful meat– rat meat. Stringy. But I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and…

  • Florida Board of Education: “Slavery wasn’t really all that bad”

    Roy Turner, leader of The Florida Board of Education, thinks slavery has been given a bad rap, and he and his group plan to change its image. “We have been teaching kids all the wrong lessons about slavery,” Turner tells The Lint Screen. “And we are going to right that wrong.” Effective immediately, Florida students…