Serving Time on Jury Duty

One day it shows up unannounced, like an obnoxious person you knew from college that you had hoped you’d never see again. It’s a summons for jury duty; your civic duty for being a counted by the census. I had served once before, 15 years ago. Here in Gwinnett County, Georgia, jury duty could be … Read more

What A Life

Look at the top selling non-fiction hardcover books: George W’s memoirs of why he did what he did, the autobiography of Mark Twain, Sarah Palin’s Palinographic view of the world, Glenn Beck’s ranting and a little something called Life by some guy named Keith Richards (and his pal, James Fox). I just finished Life, and … Read more

God & Guns

In Georgia, like many states, we seek protection against the devil and his kin. So, I’m happy to report we recently passed laws to make it legal to take your firearms with you to church. This means you can keep your sidearm close at hand as you rifle through the Good Book. It’s about time. … Read more