Tag: noodle casseroles

  • Queen puts Kibosh on Hokey Pokey

    Unfortunately, by order of the Queen, all limbs must not be put in, put out, or shaken all about.
    To the disappointment of all who will attend the gala reception following the Royal Wedding tomorrow of Prince William and Kate de la Common Folks, Queen Elizabeth II has declared there will be no dancing of the traditional wedding reception favorite, “The Hokey Pokey.”

    A spokesman for the reigning monarch issued the following statement this morning. “While the Queen loves a good festive dance, she believes that ‘the putting of a left foot in and the putting of a left foot out and the putting of a left foot back in and shaking it all about’ is not in keeping with the solemn occasion of this Royal union. She regrets the ill feelings any may harbor by this decision, but she believes it is in the best interest of the Monarchy.”

    Although the news was met with disappointment and grief, the Queen has decided that “The Chicken Dance” and “The Electric Slide” will be permitted at the reception.

    “The Queen loves the silliness of people flapping their arms like chicken wings,” said the spokesman as he polished his monocle. He also reminded the press corps, “If you are attending the reception, please remember to bring a covered dish– Swedish meatballs, pigs in a blanket and noodle casseroles are always popular and welcomed. Also, please do remember the dress code is ‘swanky.’ No denim, cut-offs or tank tops, please.”

  • 9 Reasons To Never Invite A Monkey To Dinner


    You're in for a verrrry long night!
    BIG mistake–– you're in for a verrry long night, people!

    1.  Monkeys smell like monkeys.

    2   Monkeys rarely put napkins in their laps and never know the proper fork to use.

    3.  Monkeys are picky eaters (especially when it comes to noodle casseroles).

    4.  Ask a monkey to pass you something, nine times out of ten he’ll fling it at your head.

    5.  Monkeys usually leave “markings” on the tablecloth, and you can’t ‘Shout’ them out.

    6.  Monkey see, monkey do. C’mon monkeys, how about a little originality?!!!

    7.  They’re poor conversationalists. If you mention evolution, monkeys shut down quickly.

    8.  Monkeys are dessert hogs. Never try to get a bite of their banana cream pie.

    9.  Monkeys won’t excuse themselves to go to the bathroom. They just go, go, go. Disgusting.