Fresh Disharooni

You hear? John Mayer’s giving up the pot. No lie, seriously– I mean he Twittered it and everything so it’s like got2B true, right?

I’ll bet the break-up with Jen was a wake up call for J-Man cuz I heard she was all steaming cuz he had time to Twitter his fans on his European tour but no time to call his girl on the hand-mike, and you know how Jen gets when she’s not getting the attention she deserves so she was like…

Kids Out of Their Cuckoo Nut Brains!

  Youngsters these days show no respect for their elders. In my day we knew that those older than us had a little something called ‘wisdom’ and that was the cheese worth hearing, so we’d happily sit at the feet of knowledge, sniff its dirty socks and soak it in. But seems kids these days … Read more