Whoops-eee-day-seeeee! (Pt. 4)

  It seems there’s a country named “Georgia” and it’s clear across the world. Why someone would name a country after a state is beyond me (except to fool people), but it seems that the Russians have invaded the country of Georgia, not the state of Georgia where I live. So I feel a little … Read more

Where’s Waldokov? (Pt. 2)

  The news is ablaze that Russians are invading Georgia. I’ve been sequestered beneath my desk disguised in a unicorn costume (the last thing they’d ever expect to find in Georgia, what with unicorns mostly being extinct and all). But I’ve yet to see any commie aggressors. As this recent picture attests, if the Russians … Read more

The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming! (Pt. 1)

  I’ve seen the headlines in the newspapers and heard the pretty anchor people on that magic TV box yammering about the Ruskies invading Georgia. Yow-zee ka-powzee wowzee! Apparently the commies are running amuck on Georgia red clay trying to slather their political nuttiness on the locals–– keep your lousy bread lines to yourself, comrade, … Read more