The Best Movie of 2011?
2011 was hardly a great year for motion pictures. War Horse, The Help, Moneyball, Hugo, The Artist and The Descendants were lauded as some of the best. While many were way above average, none were worthy of much thought beyond the initial screening. Now you can see what The Lint Screen believes was the best…
Monkey Law Enforcement
Austin, Texas is employing trained monkeys to ‘man’ light poles for keeping law-breaking drivers in line. If a motorist runs a red light, the monkey leaps onto the car and scrambles its way inside the vehicle to gouge the driver’s eyes out and spray the interior with urine.
The Parking Lot Letters
Behind the writing of every great book there is a great story. Today I share a few entries from a book I wrote in the mid-late 80’s entitled “The Parking Lot Letters (One Man’s Pursuit of Quality Parking)”. The book has been published by various copy machines I have known over the years. The idea…
Mannequin Wins Madoff Fonzie Scheme (Pt. 7)
A despondent Bernard Madoff is reportedly on suicide watch. He’s been trumped, by a mannequin.