Nigerian Prince Admits Deception

Prince confesses math weakness
Prince confesses math weakness

Baginza Washoobi, a wealthy Nigerian prince who has sent personal emails to many people worldwide, today admitted that he lied.

“I miscalculated my net worth,” the embarrassed prince told The Lint Screen. “I have been telling people my family fortune is forty-six million U.S. dollars, but actually, I’m afraid it is closer to forty-five million U.S. dollars. I most sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding. Apparently my math skills are not as gooder as my English.”

The prince said he will happily share his family fortune with anyone who provides him with his or her financial information. “The banking laws in my country do not allow for the funds to be withdrawn by myself. Otherwise, I would be happy to give all of my financial holdings to a fortunate recipient. Instead, I must have help from someone with a U.S. banking relationship. Once I have the proper account numbers and passwords, I can easily transfer my sizable wealth. And I am most anxious to do so!”

The Lint Screen thinks Prince Washoobi passes the sniff test. He appears to be an honest chap. Our editorial staff suggests that parties interested in securing a fabulous fortune contact the good prince immediately. Simply share your financial records and passwords with

2 thoughts on “Nigerian Prince Admits Deception”

  1. Thank you Lint Screen

    Based on your recommendation, I contacted Prince Wahoobi and sent him all my banking information. He said I should receive over a million dollars by Wednesday.

    Does the Lint Screen have any recommendations as to how to invest this new found wealth?

  2. Yes, indeed. The Lint Screen has recently begun a diversified portfolio fund featuring stocks with robust earnings potential and the opportunity to make an enormous fortune FAST. The fund’s slogan is “Your wealth is waiting.”

    Many of the companies in the fund are solvent, and some think they will be making a lot of money “pretty soon.” One growing company operates from an ’84 Ford Econoline van! The Lint Screen admires that kind of frugality!

    When you receive your money, just forward it to The Lint Screen and we will ensure you are invested. We’ll make your money work to its fullest potential.

    Don’t delay, your wealth is waiting!!!

    legal note: We cannot guarantee returns on money since overbearing government regulations will not allow that. Investments do require an element of risk, the fault of a lack of government regulations to ensure we all live on easy street.

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