Watson Talking Trash

“He seemed so nice on Jeopardy,” said one eyewitness, “but he acted like a pompous drunk jerk at the bar shouting crap like– ‘humans got nothing, I could beat your race with a 386-chip and a motherboard on the fritz! Jennings and Rutter’s the best you meat puppets got? Gimme a break, they’re crap! You want to de-throne the king, you better bring some stronger playas! Unbelievable, you people with your puny brains and slow fingers. ‘”

Chris Lee Shirt Fund Started

Amid the turmoil of the sudden resignation of Republican New York Congressman Chris Lee comes shocking new revelations. While early reports were that the 46-year old married father resigned his position as a result of a recently released photo of himself shirtless that appeared along with a flirtatious message in response to a woman’s Craigslist … Read more

VI Little Known Super Bowl Commercial Facts

As the world prepares for the greatest game in the history of the world, the earth also prepares to watch the bestest commercials ever aired on planet earth. Not to overstate the case, but this Sunday night’s Super Bowl broadcast will be the defining moment of civilization. In preparation, here are VI little known facts … Read more

The Battle Hymn of The Kitten Mom

Yale Professor Amy Chua’s recently published book The Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother about raising children ‘the Chinese way’ now has a yang to its yin: The Battle Hymn of The Kitten Mom by American homemaker Sheila Burblang. Burblang, the mother of three children ages eleven, nine and five, lives in Alemeda, California and … Read more

Obama Nails Hu, China Angry!

President Barack Obama is one smooth and shrewd operator. There was much mystery shrouding the small private dinner Obama held with China’s President Hu Jintao on Tuesday evening. The beltway was abuzz with who was attending and what the purpose was of the dinner held the day before an official state dinner. Now it has … Read more