12 WikiLeaks Blockbusters

Discerning newshounds do not wish to wade through the morass of the 250,000 leaked diplomatic cables posted recently by WikiLeaks, so the staff of The Lint Screen have selected the following choice morsels for your enlightenment and amazement. 1. Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin is reported to frequently brush his teeth without first flossing. “It … Read more

Bristol & The Situation Cause End of Civilization

What do you get when you cross The Situation with Bristol Palin? Absolutely nothing! The two pop culture icons appear together in a compellingly persuasive new PSA all about safe sex that has proven so effective, people no longer feel the need to have sex. Population experts fear the human race may soon become extinct … Read more

Outrage Over New TSA “Extra Security Candid Photos”

The American air-traveling public was upset enough over enhanced TSA pat-down checks and body scans, but now its ire is on full boil with new ‘extra security candid photos’ being enacted in airports nationwide. Select travelers are taken into a private security areas where they are asked to disrobe, and in some cases wear revealing … Read more

Obama Considers Buying Ranch

In an attempt to bolster his sagging approval ratings, President Barack Obama is reportedly giving serious consideration to buying a ranch. An anonymous source in Obama’s secret inner circle called “The Whispering Shadows of Secrecy And Skullduggery” said the story is absolutely true during a clandestine meeting with this journalist at a popular Washington, D.C. … Read more

Whisk Broom Elected Senator

Yesterday’s dramatic election sent a strong message to Washington, D.C.: “Get outta here, you bums, we’re sick and tired of your infernal shenanigans– so much so that we’re going to send all kinds of looneys to replace you just to prove a point of how hacked-off we are!” And so it came to pass that … Read more

Supreme Mud Slinging

This election season is unbearably tragic. Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s boneheaded ‘Citizen United’ decision earlier this year, corporations, unions, rich fatcats and special interest groups can dump untold fortunes into political campaigns and causes. And, they can do so under the cloak of secrecy with fake organizational names like The Coalition For Freedom … Read more