Inaccuracy Found On Internet!

The internet was created over 20 years ago, giving a canvas for millions of websites and billions of pages. In its history, there was one thing you could always count on with 100% certainty– absolute truth and accuracy.

That may no longer be the case!

The Lost (& Found) Symbol

Dan Brown’s blockbuster new book The Lost Symbol was recently released, and the human race can’t stop its collective heart from racing like a thoroughbred on a greased track with a wind machine at its back! Here’s my really early review.

No Oakie Left Behind

Many people are shocked to learn that in a recent test, 77% of Oklahoma high school students could not name the first president of these United States.

It’s obvious we are failing our children by expecting them to know way too much intellectual stuff, so I propose a slight modification to the design of our one dollar bill to assist education.