Red Carpet Dish

This is where your feet want to be tonight because this is where Hollywood royalty does the perp walk before prostrating themselves before the fatted golden little man named Oscar and anyone who is anyone is totally here and as glammed-up as thirsty angels going out on a Saturday night bender and look who’s coming … Read more

10 Incredible Oscar Contender Stories

6. James Franco did not really saw his arm off in 127 Hours, but his stunt double, now called Lefty is pretty bitter about the film.

Getting Your $10 Worth (Movie Reviews)

  Hollywood’s upped the ante to $10 for viewing one of their precious little “movies.” Add $54 for a medium popcorn, medium beverage and a box of Milk Duds (“The Blockbuster Bellybuster Valu Combo”) and we’re talking a pretty pricey couple hours. I’ll scribble a few lines to tell you which movies I believe are … Read more