If It Would Please The Members Of The Academy…

N6CVGCYED2JQ I think you went overboard in the your Oscar nomination love for The King’s Speech and True Grit. Yes, both films were well made, acted, and directed, but 22 nominations between them is a bit much. You should have slathered much more love on The Social Network, far and away the best film that … Read more

The Importance of Being Rocky

Humans are hard-wired to love the stories of underdogs battling adversity to win. These Rocky tales, when well-told, are surefire catnip for Oscar consideration and boffo box office. Enter The King’s Speech, which ups the Oscar attraction by being a period British historical drama with some comedic relief. This is catnip for catnip–– Hollywood is … Read more

Tiger Picks Jesse For Masters

Many people were not surprised when it was announced that Tiger Woods would play in the upcoming Masters Golf Tournament, but the latest Tiger news may stun the world off its ever-loving spinning axis: Tiger has selected Jesse James as his official ‘Wingman’ during his Augusta stay.