Talk about your haves and have nots.
While I feel sorry for the rest of you suckers, I have to say I’ve enjoyed your company here on earth. It’s too bad you were evil sinners and didn’t make the upgrade list.
I’ll be getting out while the getting’s good, and I’m hoping there will be no TSA in the after-gig because I don’t relish the idea of my fake hips setting off the alarms and having some saint or angel give me a pat-down. Although an angel pat-down might be a ticklish and enjoyable experience.
In closing, I want to thank all the faithful Lint Screen readers for their literacy and patronage in making this blog one of the most popular on earth containing the words “Lint”, “Screen” and “The.” If you make the list for eternal salvation during Rapture, I’ll buy you a drink. If you don’t, I’ll wish you the best in lawyering-up and getting good representation for Judgement Day.
Ciao, babe!
If Jebus swooshes you up, I’m going to use my formidable religious connections to pray for a miracle and put you back. I’m going to need something to read for eternity, dammit. The nunnies have my back on this one. Might have been your outfit. You know how they are about uniforms.
Thanks, Kitty. Am packing for my trip. I’ll write when I arrive. Hope you and the nun crew make the grade! Best wishes.
Scullin, out!