ISIS Hires P.R. Firm, Rebrands Itself

The Islamic State Group (a.k.a. ISIL, ISIS, A-Holes, A-Whats-a-matter-u?) believes it has a bad reputation and has hired Milligan-Koswell Public Relations in New York City to soften its terrible image. “These guys are pretty upset,” said E. Carlson Foswell, the Management Supervisor of the new account at M-K PR. “They’ve worked hard to establish a … Read more

Lawyers Ruin Everything; Lint Gives Up

Give people an inch, and they’ll sue you. The Lint Screen recently made the generous offer to provide free urine testing over the internet, and rather than be heaped with praise, our offices have been heaped with lawsuits from shills in shiny suits representing pissed people claiming that they have urine-stained and broken computer keyboards. … Read more

The Lint Screen Urine Test

As a public service, The Lint Screen is proud to offer a revolutionary advance in medicine–– urine tests collected over the internet! YES, just in time for flu and cold season, we will scientifically analyze your urine and identify the vitamins, minerals and supplements you need to battle the nasty germs and bacteria waiting to … Read more