Obama Blamed For Tragedies Following Turkey Pardons

It is a White House tradition for the President to pardon a turkey just before Thanksgiving, but this year Barack Obama put a spin on it–– he had two birds with their necks on the chopping block and put it up to an internet vote which would be dressed to kill. Then, Obama ignored the … Read more

Brother-in-Law’s Opinion Changed, World Stunned

For the first time in recorded history, a person’s opinion was changed at a Thanksgiving dinner. On Thursday, November 28, at 1:42 p.m., Tom Wheddlekupp engaged in a spirited debate with his brother-in-law, Randy Snogslougher on the Affordable Care Act during his family’s annual Thanksgiving dinner celebration. The men had almost come to blows in … Read more

Craigslist Posting For Turner Field

Slightly used ballpark available for occupancy in 2017. Still has that “new stadium smell” of hot dogs, popcorn, beer breath. Built in 1997, this spacious structure harkens back to a simpler time when sports franchises were loyal to their hometown’s downtown. It features a beautiful baseball diamond, cozy pitcher’s mound, meticulously-maintained foul lines, plush bases, … Read more

White House Downplays Obamacare “Hiccups”

The White House has faced extreme media scrutiny and criticism over the failings of the Obamacare website launched last month. Today it held an official press conference to address these concerns. Spokesman Jay Carney took to the podium with a prepared statement and fielded a barrage of questions from the press corps. Here the some … Read more