NFL Owners Take Decisive Action: Replacement Players

The owners of NFL teams carry a bit more clout than God, and they are tired of hearing players bellyache about the crappy calls being made by replacement referees who are subbing for the real refs who were locked-out by owners for requesting a few more coins. “Look, I’ve had it with these big, beefy … Read more

Convention Speech

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, fellow Americans, patriots. Mine is a simple story. A truly American story. A story that is completely unique but also altogether familiar. My great grandparents came to this country from a place called The Old Country. They came here for that new country smell. And they came to America for … Read more

Not Funny! Ironic Humor Killer Goes Digital!

Willis Hargrain, the alleged ‘Ironic Killer’, is the primary suspect in the tragic death of a 36-year old Boone, North Carolina woman who laughed herself to death following an exchange with him on a popular dating site. Mindy Breeminder, a sales manager for Mungwhip’s Lugnuts & Pastry Shoppe, had an on-line dialogue going with Hargrain … Read more

7 Secrets of The London Olympics

As The Games of The XXX Olympiad come to a close, The Lint Screen presents some secrets that the world media have missed, or refuse to report because of some evil plot involving dry cleaners and the banking industry. 1. The reason so many running world records were shattered is that the athletes were told … Read more