Debt Compromise Reached: “Hooray USA Day!” Plan Unveiled

“We recently conducted a $62 billion study to determine how average Americans raise funds when they are in a financial squeeze,” said R. “Bucky” Temptkins, a Republican Senator from Idaho. “What we found was that some people starting cooking meth or engaging in prostitution, which while lucrative, did not sit well with our family values. Other ways they raised monies included yard sales and selling blood.”

Bin Laden’s Bucket List Revealed

In the stash of info and porn gathered from Osama bin Laden’s crib/compound on May 1, a rare insight into the madman was released today: his official personal bucket list. In a world exclusive, The Lint Screen is pleased to present it in its entirety. (NOTE: The original list was in the angry kook’s handwriting, … Read more

Serving Time on Jury Duty

One day it shows up unannounced, like an obnoxious person you knew from college that you had hoped you’d never see again. It’s a summons for jury duty; your civic duty for being a counted by the census. I had served once before, 15 years ago. Here in Gwinnett County, Georgia, jury duty could be … Read more

LeBron Wants To Play For Mavs

In an exclusive The Lint Screen interview, Miami Heat megastar LeBron James said he wants to play for the Dallas Mavericks next year. The Mavericks beat the Heat on Sunday to become the NBA’s championship team. “LeBron is a champion,” said James who recently began referring to himself in the third person for dramatic effect, … Read more

Weiner & Lee Battle

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) says former Rep. Chris Lee (R-N.Y.) is not worthy to shed his shirt when in the company of ‘Weinermeister.’ “Look, Lee has a decent bod, I get that, but he didn’t have game,” a confident Weiner told reporters. “A little flex don’t get it done these days. You’d better bring some … Read more